Monday, 10 June 2013

Naming a Villain

When I hear the word villain the first image that comes to my mind is Bane. In my opinion the qualities of an ideal villain is portrayed by Tom Hardy in his role as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. But in no way could I relate to Bane as a farmer.

You might be wondering what I am talking about. The word villain used to mean farmer/ farm worker in the 14th century. Villa is a term which is still used for a house and some land owned by a person. Villain was the person who maintained and made a living out of a villa.

According to the rich folk at that time the villains had to lie, cheat and steal to make both ends meet. The villains were a lower kind of human beings, ones who could not be trusted, ones who weren't capable of doing chivalrous acts. 

It was these racist attitudes of the high end society which gave the word a new definition, bad guy. The popularization of the new definition through comics, stories and movies over generations left the old meaning forgotten.

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