Friday, 28 June 2013

What to Write in a Brochure

Brochures, Flyers, Pamphlets and Leaflets are all made with the sole purpose of advertising. The brochure should catch the eye, just one look and the person should feel curious about what it is about and that's when it can be called a good brochure.

Once someone starts reading it they shouldn't be let down. Here are some tips on working on the content of a brochure.

Let the Pictures do the Talking

As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words, in a brochure you should let pictures do most of the talking and the text should support the images. The amount of text should be minimum. Rely on headings to convey your message, Texts should be short and sweet. List out points rather than put it in a paragraph. In case you need to write paragraphs split it up into smaller paragraphs.


Give importance to the title, make it big as now a days its all about the brand and building the brand's name is crucial. Use a catchy tagline to support the title. Give a generous amount of space for it, for a multiple paged brochure leave the front page exclusively for the title, tagline and some visual treats.

The Message To Be Conveyed

Friday, 21 June 2013

The Gulf of Khambhatt's Lost Civilization

The gulf of Khambhatt formerly known as the gulf of Cambay is a trumpet shaped inlet of the Arabian sea in the state of Gujarat on the west coast of India. It has a high tidal range and velocity thanks to it's shape and orientation with the south-west monsoon winds. Navigation through the gulf is no picnic because of it's shoals and sandbanks.

In May 2001, it was announced that ruins of an ancient civilization has been found near the banks of the Gulf of Khambhatt. The site was found by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) while conducting a routine pollution check using sonar. The site was found to have regularly spaced geometric structures believed to be dwelling places, a granary, a citadel, a bath and a drainage system. These structures were believed to predate the Indus Valley Civilization, the oldest known civilization near the area.

Friday, 14 June 2013

The British Columbia Feet Mystery

August 20, 2007,  a girl was relaxing and enjoying on the beach of Jedediah Island, British Columbia, Canada. She saw a size 12 Adidas shoe brought ashore by the Salish sea. She picked up the shoe and opened the sock. The girl was shocked to find a decaying foot inside the shoe.

Six days later another foot was discovered on the coast of Gabriola island, BC, followed by another on February 8, 2008. These events gained media attention and townsfolk and the police started guesses about the origin of this mystery.

The most popular theories were:that the feet belonged to victims of the 2004 Asian tsunami, or illegal stowaways, and my personal favorite theory - a new serial killer has arrived.

11 feet were reported to be found by February 2012 and strangely all of them were wrapped in sports shoes, once the story hit headlines someone actually put a paw in a running shoe and put it on a beach as a hoax.

The feet were confirmed to belong to 5 men, 1 woman and 3 people whose sex could not be determined. Though the foot was well preserved, it is a part of the body that offers very few clues


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How many of these dreams have you had?


Since the beginning of time people have reported dreaming of falling. According to biblical interpretations, dreams about falling have a negative overtone.It is believed that such dreams relate to how you are acting and walking, according to his own way of thinking and not those of the Lord.

A fairly popular myth about dreams of falling is that you will die if you hit the ground in the dream which is not true.

Falling dreams are common in people who suffer from depression. According to psychology a dream of falling is a way in which your subconscious tells you that something in your life is going wrong or not the way you wanted or expected. The item going wrong might be finance, a relationship, career etc.


Monday, 10 June 2013

Naming a Villain

When I hear the word villain the first image that comes to my mind is Bane. In my opinion the qualities of an ideal villain is portrayed by Tom Hardy in his role as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. But in no way could I relate to Bane as a farmer.

You might be wondering what I am talking about. The word villain used to mean farmer/ farm worker in the 14th century. Villa is a term which is still used for a house and some land owned by a person. Villain was the person who maintained and made a living out of a villa.

According to the rich folk at that time the villains had to lie, cheat and steal to make both ends meet. The villains were a lower kind of human beings, ones who could not be trusted, ones who weren't capable of doing chivalrous acts. 

It was these racist attitudes of the high end society which gave the word a new definition, bad guy. The popularization of the new definition through comics, stories and movies over generations left the old meaning forgotten.

Playing Fire with Fire

I have heard these phrases "fighting fire with fire", "an eye for an eye", "a tooth for a tooth" etc. so many times that it sickens me.

The origin of the idiom fighting fire with fire is from the firefighters technique of actually fighting fire with fire. This method is usually used to control violent forest fires. The strategy is to make a roadblock to the oncoming fire by setting a fire intentionally on it's path. By burning the nearby timber the original fire runs out of fuel to feed itself when it reaches the burned out area. This tactic is efficient in this particular case but it has to be noted that in normal situations a firefighters main weapon is water.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Evolution of Human Nature


This is a mime I along with my friends wrote and played during our college days. It shows a perception of how we (mankind) used to be, how we are and a hypothetical scenario of how we might become.  

Sorry about the poor quality.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

What's with the name: Cheruthon?

Here I'd like to tell you about the name of this blog Cheruthon. Well to put it simple that's my name.

I have seen a lot of people finding it difficult to get an email address/ website etc with their name but that never happens to me because of my family's unique name.

Many have asked me what it means and many think it's the name of a place, well I'm about to explain it now in case you were wondering.

My ancestors moved to a place called Maramon, a small town on the banks of the river Pamba, when a dam was built near their previous settlement and turned it into a catchment area. So when the dam was built the settlement of my ancestors became a land of relatively lower altitude and thus water began to accumulate there. "Chera" is the Malayalam term for dam and "Thaane" means lower. Hence the new settlers of the land who arrived because the Chera Thaane their land were called Cherathaane which over the years evolved to Cheruthon.

A smoker's perspective of smoking.

I am not going to list out the harmful effects of smoking, because the odds are you already know them. The picture below says all you need to know about it.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Cooperative Container Gardening

Here is my World Environment Day Message to all of my readers. "Cooperative gardening." That is you form a group among your peers, friends, neighbors etc and each member grows a different plant(vegetable) and share the vegetables with each other.

Being June 5, I have seen several people saying "Go Green" "Plant a Tree" so on and so forth. What I have for you in this post is quite easy to do and you can literally reap the benefits.

I'm sure all of us have heard the numerous benefits of organic fruits and vegetables like
  • pesticide free
  • better for your health
  • tastier
  • fresher
but none of us want to buy them because they are costlier or because of the lack of availability.